Industrial Design Visual Communication Animation Design Interaction Design Mobility and Vehicle Design
Vishnupriya Kaulgud
M.Des Visual Communication
BFA Applied Arts
Project 1    |    Project 2    |    Project 3

Game Application to form Conjuncts & Word Construction in Devanagari Script (Hindi)
Guided By Prof. Mandar Rane

To learn a new script, the sequence in which a script is taught is letters are learnt first, then words which leads to sentence formation. While learning words, conjuncts play an important part. Many times, consonants take completely new form while they are formed in conjuncts. Hence, to explain such things in a playful manner, this game will be designed.

This project aims to provide a solution for easy learning through a touch base game for learning conjunct and word formation in Indian language script.

  Vishnupriya Kaulgud
Reshal Shah
Divya Bhardwaj
Chinmaye Bhave
Shweta Kamble
Sunny Kolekar
Ashok Chary
Tarun Kumar
Srinivas Godala
Kailash Gharat

I have mapped this game on Devanagari script (Hindi). With combination of sound and letter-form, a script will be taught. The initial part will before recognition of Devanagari script to children and then conjunct formation.

Rote learning is the method followed to learn any script. By this game, it will encourage children to learn a script in an enjoyable manner. Target audience would be 7 years and above where they know recognition of the Devanagari script.

Design and Degree Show 2014