For detailed and updated information on assistantships refer to:
. IIT Academic Home Page
Teaching Assistantships/Research Assistantship For M Des Programme :
IDC offers teaching assistantships to as many as 22 students each year. The teaching assistantships are based on the performance during admissions.
Teaching Assistantship is revised for all disciplines w.e.f. 1.12.2014.
- Teaching Assistantship Rs.12400/- p.m. for two years.
- Research Assistantship Rs. 13400/- p.m. (For 1st Year) with an annual increment of RS 1000/- per year for the total period of three years. p.a.)
Teaching Assistantships /Research Assistantship For Ph D Programme:
Teaching Assistantship is revised for all disciplines w.e.f. 1.10.2014.
- For Graduate and Post Graduate Entry Students: Teaching Assistantship Rs. 25,000/- p.m.for 1st two years
After completion of 2 years of fellowship and on receipt of the satisfactory report on the successful presentation of Progress Seminar, the fellowship will be enhanced Rs 28000/- p.m. for remaining years (i.e. 3rd,4th,& 5th year).
Research Assistantship is revised for all disciplines w.e.f. 1.10.2014.
- For Graduate and Post Graduate Entry Students: Research Assistantship Rs. 28000/- p.m.for 1st two years
After completion of 2 years of fellowship and on receipt of the satisfactory report on the successful presentation of Progress Seminar, the fellowship will be enhanced Rs 31500/- p.m. for remaining years (i.e. 3rd,4th,& 5th year).
QIP Scholarship for M Des/Ph.D. Programme:
Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) scholarship is available for training to faculty members from other Institutes who would like to join the 2 year Master of Design program.
- For M.Des students: RS 2500/- p.m. for 24 months. Contingency : RS 3000/- p.a.
- For Ph.D. students: Rs. 6000/- for the first 2 years and Rs. 6400/- for 3rd year and Contingency: Rs. 10,000/- p.a.
For detailed and updated information on assistantships refer to:
IIT Academic Home Page