7-10 January 2021
IDC School of Design
IIT, Bombay, India
Information for Speakers and Chairs as follows: . . . . . . . . . . .
Instructions for Paper Presentation:
1. Each paper is slotted for presentation in a specific session (see the programme schedule) and has 12 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for question-answers and changeover.
2. Each paper is to be presented by sharing the computer screen of the presenter. The presenter therefore needs to use a computer with a camera and good internet connectivity (the virtual platform does not work well on mobile phones and tablets).
3. Speakers should join their overall session at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. During this period, speakers should check their audio, video and presentation slides by sharing the screen, and introduce themselves to the session chair.
4. All speakers should adhere strictly to the time allotted to their presentation.
5. Organisers will be around throughout to help with the presentation.
6. We recommend that each presenter limits the number of slides in a presentation to 12, assuming that each slide takes 1 min to present.
7. In order to prepare for eventuality, all presenters are requested to upload their presentation slides, and a 10-minute video presentation of their talk, through their ICoRD21 account on the Easychair conference tool. (latest by 5 January 2021)
8. In case of poor internet connection on your end, we will run the presentation video. Even if we run the video, the presenters must be available during the session for Question & Answers. In case, presenter opts to not upload the video and fails to present during the allotted slot, the paper will not be included in the proceedings.
Detailed instructions for uploading the presentation slides are given below:
a. Login to your Easychair account at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icord21
b. In the Author Console, click on ‘view’ button across your Paper ID.
c. In this window, in the “Add or update files” section, you will already have your six submission files. Please DO NOT remove or update your original submissions.
d. Upload your presentation slides (.ppt) & video (.mp4, max size 100MB) by clicking on ‘Choose file’. (to record the video, presenters can make use of any video conferencing tool)
e. Click on ‘Submit’ to complete the submission.
Instructions for Keynote presentations:
1. Each keynote presentation is scheduled within a 45 min. time slot; most keynote presentations are scheduled within a 1.5h session with two back-to-back keynote talks.
2. Each keynote presentation should last for a maximum duration of 30 min., with the remaining 15 min. spent as follows: 5 min for the MC to introduce the chair and session chair to introduce the keynote speaker, 5 min. for Q&A and 5 min. to conclude the session.
3. The speakers should join their overall session at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. During this period, presenters should check their audio, video and presentation slides by sharing the screen, and introduce themselves to the session chair.
4. All speakers should adhere strictly to the time allotted to their presentation.
5. In order to prepare for eventuality, all keynote speakers are requested to send their presentation slides through email (latest by 5 January 2021 please): icord21.conf@iisc.ac.in
Instructions for Panel Discussion:
1. ICoRD’21 has two Panel Discussion sessions (each with a duration of 1.5 Hours).
2. There will be 7-10 panellists: one or two of them would act as Chair/Co-Chair of the panel.
3. The panellists should join at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. During this period, they should check their audio & video, and introduce themselves to the chair(s).
4. The chair will first introduce the panellists and the topic, and then invite each to make a brief statement (6-8 min.) on his/her experience/views on the topic of the panel discussion.
5. After this, discussion will be opened to the floor for moderated interaction with the panel.
6. A panellist is should not use more than five slides in his or her presentation. The slides, if being used, should be sent through email (latest by 5 January 2021 please): icord21.conf@iisc.ac.in
1. There will be one chair for each podium session.
2. The chair will be invited to the podium session by the organizer (MC) of the session.
3. The chair should remind the authors of the time allotted (12 min. for presentation and 5 min. for discussion and changeover).
4. At the beginning of each podium presentation, the chair should briefly announce the title of the paper, and name and affiliation of the authors and the speaker.
5. A volunteer will be available to keep time and inform the speaker and the chair the time remaining with an audio sound/ alarm: at 2 min and 0 min for the chair to use to remind the speaker of the time.
6. The chair should invite the audience for questions if time permits, and if no questions are forthcoming, ask questions herself to the speaker(s), before concluding the presentation.
7. At the end of the session, the chair should announce the audience of the next session and pass on the podium to the session organizer.
Instructions for Keynote Sessions:
1. In a session containing one or more keynotes, there will be a single chair.
2. The chair will be invited to the keynote session by the organizer of the session.
3. The chair should remind the speaker of the time allotted (at most 30 min. for presentation, and 5 min for Q&A at the end).
4. The chair(s) should announce the title of the keynote address and introduce the speaker in some detail.
5. A volunteer will be available to keep time, and inform the speaker and the chair the time remaining, with audio sound/alarm: 2 min and 0 min. for the chair to use to remind the speakers of the time.
6. At the end of the whole session, the chair should announce the audience of the next session and pass on the podium to the session organizer.
Instructions for Panel Discussion:
1. There will be a chair for a panel discussion; there may be a co-chair to assist the chair.
2. ICoRD’21 has two Panel Discussion sessions (1.5 hours duration each).
3. The chair will be invited to the Panel Discussion by the organizer of the session.
4. The other panellists will also be invited to the Panel Discussion by the organizer of the session.
5. The chair should introduce the other panellists and the topic of the panel, and then invite each panellist, including him/herself, to make a brief statement (6-8 min.) on the topic, with or without slides.
6. After this, the chair should open the discussion to the floor and moderate the interaction with the panel.
7. At the end of the session, the chair should announce to the audience the next session and pass on the podium to the session organizer.