Monsoon Courses on HCI

IDC School of Design, IIT Bombay offers a course on human-computer interaction design for working professionals. Called "the Monsoon Course on HCI", it is usually conducted twice every year, once in an in-person-continuous mode, and the other time in a self-paced-remote-weekend mode. The in-person course has been traditionally conducted in the last week of May from Wednesday to Wednesday to Wednesday (i.e. for 15 days). The course is offered in a self-paced-remote-weekend mode. In this mode, the course will be conducted on 12 weekends, usually between October and March. In this mode, the first 11 weeks are remote (online), while the last weekend is in-person in the IIT Bombay campus.

Please fill out this pre-registration form to hear about the next course when it is announced.

Recent courses

May 31 to June 14, 2023, in-person, continuous
December 2, 2023 to March 24, 2024, online, weekends
May 28 to June 12, 2024, in-person, continuous

Next course

To be announced, please pre-register to get intimation

Who should attend?

This course is for you if you are:

HCI stands for human-computer interaction. The Monsoon Course on HCI has two goals. Firstly, it gives participants an exposure to issues, theories, principles and concerns relating to human interaction with interactive products. Secondly, it provides participants hands-on practice with the process and the techniques related to user studies, interaction design and design evaluation. After attending the course, participants should be able to conceptualise, design and evaluate interactive products. Those who are already involved in these activities should be able to improve the quality of their work, and should understand the theory behind what they do. Those responsible for the process should be able to make the process in their organizations more user-centered. For more details about the course, please see the FAQs.

Contents and Schedule

Here are the currently planned contents. More contents might be added closer to the date.




Wednesday 1

Introduction and startup
Contextual interviews

Practice a contextual interview
Analysis and tips
Plan and conduct interview 1


Work models
Interpreting interviews

Interpret interview 1
Conduct interview 2


Consolidation using affinity
Other user studies methods
Case studies, learning from the field

Interpret interview 2
Conduct interview 3


Conduct and interpret interviews


Conduct and interpret interviews (optional)

Begin the affinity


Layers of user experience
Conceptual models
User models

Finish the affinity
Presentation 1: Findings from user studies


User experience goals

Interaction design scenarios
Build personas and scenarios

Wednesday 2

Patterns, guidelines and standards
Heuristics and principles of human-computer interaction

Build personas and scenarios
Interaction design case studies


Detail out the interfaces

Prototype the design
Build a presentation of the design


Design evaluation

Presentation 2: Personas, scenarios, interfaces
Plan evaluations


Plan and do evaluations


Do evaluations (optional)


Design process
Integrating HCI with software engineering
Institutionalising HCI - the challenges in India

Do evaluations


Integrating HCI methods in your work
User experience metrics


Wednesday 3

Presentation 3: Findings from evaluations, final design

Feedback, Lessons learnt, Wrap up