Collaborative New Product Idea Management
A Flexible Model for Innovation

  Section-A: Demographic Information:  

1. Designation:
2. Total Years of Experience:
3. Name of Business unit:

4. Industry Category:

   • Not applicable: For academicians.
   • Information Technology
   • Consumer Goods
   • Automotive
   • Industrial Products
   • Others (Please specify) 

5. Size of the Business unit:

   • 0-100 Crores
   • 101-400 Crores
   • Above 400 Crores

Direction: Please select among the options from the given scale and tick in the corresponding box.

In the Scale: of 5 to 1

   5-Strongly Agree 4-Agree 3-Undecided 2-Disagree 1-Strongly Disagree

Section B: The proposed Collaborative Model
for Innovation

Current research proposes a methodology that uses a collaborative network of expertise from within and outside the organization for innovative product idea generation. The network would help in assimilating diverse knowledge and rich experience scattered across the enterprise and outside, resulting in valuable inputs right at the ideation phase of new product design.

Figure 1: Collaborative Model for Innovation

The model consists of three teams:

1.Core Team: The core team’s main responsibility is innovative idea generation, creativity, visual representation and coordination of the collaborative network for innovation. Fig. 2 represents the core team wherein the lower half of the circle represents the primary requirement of expertise, and depending upon the company profile any expertise from the top half of the circle could be added.

Figure 2: Composition of the Core Team

2. Cross-functional Enterprise Wide Team: The enterprise wide team consists of people, who are experts in their functional areas. They would provide valuable insights to the core team for innovative new product idea generation. Figure-3 enlists the minimum number of functional areas needed for representation in the enterprise wide team. This could vary depending on the profile of the enterprise.

Figure 3: Members of Enterprise wide Cross-functional Team

3. External Networked Team: External networked team would consist of people with varied expertise. They would bring in broader perspective, new knowledge and wide experience to the collaborative network. This team would play a very critical role in triggering and evaluating creative ideas. The probable members included in the team are described in the exhibit.

Figure 4: Members of Networked External Team

  Considering the above Collaborative model for Innovation rate the following on the given scale.  


1. Core team with sole responsibility for innovation will increase the probability of generating innovative new product ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


2. A core team with the sole responsibility to generate, trigger, monitor and develop innovative ideas would lead to free flow and exchange of ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


3. Participation of top management in the core team would play a role in organization’s ability to innovate.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


4. The cross-functional nature of the enterprise wide team would generate ideas across disciplines

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


5. Involving the members of enterprise wide team would minimize any unforeseen problems which could arise at later stages of product development phase.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


6. The collaborative model would help in leveraging the synergy of the organization to capture, evaluate, and develop innovative product ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

7. External networked members (e.g. suppliers, research organizations, users, academics etc.) will play critical role in triggering innovative product ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

8. Users being part of the external team would lead to product ideas better suited for the market.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

9. Including totally unrelated partners (who are not related with the present business in any obvious way) in the external networked team will contribute towards radically different innovative product ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


10. Information sharing with the customers, suppliers and subcontractors in the external team would result in identifying new product opportunities.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

11. The model for innovation can be adapted to your company for generating innovative product ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

12. The collaborative model would help in generating and managing innovative product ideas as a strategic resource that could be used in future.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


13. The collaborative model would provide the organization with a structure for information collection and distribution.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


14. The collaborative model would help in speedy decision making about the feasibility of innovative product ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

15. The collaborative model has novel approach that gives new insights about a process that can generate innovative product ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

16. The collaborative model can be implemented easily with the existing infrastructure of your organization. The collaborative model can be implemented easily with minimal costs.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

17. Having a dedicated team to drive innovation would fetch organizations rich dividends in terms of better products.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

18. Enabling different sets of people with different skills, values and priorities to work together would help in building upon one another’s ideas.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

19. The collaborative model would de-bureaucratize the structure aiding in innovative product idea generation.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

20. The collaborative model would increase information sharing by breaking down the traditional barriers.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree

21. The collaborative model would help in evaluating potential of innovative product ideas due to collective wisdom.

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree


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