Design Research Seminar 2020

Fountain in IITB Guest House during the 2013 monsoon

Design Research Seminar 2020 (DRS2020) will follow a blind review process. DRS2020 invites submissions by MDes students and their supervisor faculty members. Apart from a written paper or an insightful report, DRS welcomes other kinds of accompaniments including an artefact, a film, images, visual essays, books, fonts etc. The submission will be reviewed by 3 faculty members and PhD students of IDC, who will read the submission, write a detailed review and provide a rating. The review process will be single-blind. This means that while the reviewers will know the authors of a submission, authors will not know who the reviewers were. Authors will get the reviews and will get a chance to write a "rebuttal", wherein they can respond to reviewers' queries or clarify misunderstandings. A decision will be made based on the reviews, the ratings and the rebuttal. If the submission is deemed to be of an acceptable quality, it will be presented at the Design Research Seminar that is scheduled between April 1 to 3, 2020. Authors whose submissions were not found to be of acceptable quality will get a chance to resubmit and some of these may go through an additional review process followed by a seminar in May 2020 (dates to be decided).

The chairs for IDC Design Research Seminar 2020 will be Venkatesh Rajamanickam and Anirudha Joshi, who will assign the reviewers and manage the above review process. They will also manage the discussions between reviewers and make decisions when there are conflicting ratings.

Important dates

  • Submission to supervisor: March 9, 2020
  • Submission in easychair: March 16, 2020 (see instructions below)
  • Review of submissions: March 17-26, 2020
  • Intimation: March 27, 2020
  • Rebuttals from authors: March 31, 2020
  • Decisions: April 1, 2020
  • Design Research Seminar: April 2-3, 2020 (only accepted presentations)

Submission instructions:

  • Authors should prepare a submission using the IDC P2/P3 report format. The submission should include the name of the student and the name of the supervisor.
  • The page limit for the main submission from Abstract to Conclusion is 5 to 10 pages including images and tables. Submissions with less than 5 pages and more than 10 pages will be desk-rejected without a review. Authors can add up to another 10 pages for references, annexures and appendices. Any additional material (such as media files including large images, large collections of images, videos, transcripts, audio files etc.) should be uploaded online and the link(s) to these should be included as references in the submission.
  • Convert your submission and appendices into a single PDF file. The file size limit for easychair is 20 MB per submission. Before uploading, please make sure that your PDF file size is within this limit.
  • Upload the PDF of your submission (only the PDF of your submission, i.e. not the media files) in easychair before the deadline. If you don't already have an easychair account, you may have to create it first.
  • You can update the submission any number of times before the deadline. You will not be able to change the submission after the deadline.
  • After the deadline, you should not update your referenced media files online. Please note that your reviewers will start reviewing your submission any time after March 16. As we would like all reviewers to see the same version of the media files, and as reviewers may review your work on different days during the review period, you should not update them after the deadline. As the reviewers will be anonymous, you will not be able to inform them either.

We are inviting the following people to participate in the review process:

  • Uday Athavankar
  • Sudesh Balan
  • Vijay Bapat
  • Prasad Bokil
  • BK Chakravarthy
  • Girish Dalvi
  • Sreekumar GV
  • Alka Hingorani
  • Anirudha Joshi
  • Mazhar Kamran
  • Vivek Kant
  • Pramod Khambete
  • Kumaresan
  • Arun Mascarenhas
  • Raja Mohanty
  • Swati Pal
  • Jayesh S. Pillai
  • Ravi Poovaiah
  • Venkatesh Rajamanickam
  • Shilpa Ranade
  • Sumant Rao
  • Gaur Ray
  • Nina Sabnani
  • Nachiketa Sadhu
  • Avinash Shende
  • Phani Tetali
  • Ganesh Bhutkar
  • Mustansir Dalvi
  • Deepshikha Dash
  • Udaya Kumar Dharmalingam
  • Shalaka Dighe
  • Amit Jena
  • Amar Kundu
  • Indrani Medhi Thies
  • Nanki Nath
  • Rupesh Nath
  • Swayamsiddha Panigrahi
  • Koumudi Patil
  • Sajan Pillai
  • Lakshmi Murthy
  • Priyanka Rawal
  • Pratiti Sarkar
  • Abhishek Shrivastava